Evaluation of antioxidant activity in biological extracts

This service focuses on determining the antioxidant capacity of biological samples by spectrophotometric analysis. The antioxidant capacity of the sample is determined using a dose-response curve using a reference compound, which facilitates the comparison and evaluation of the efficacy of biological extracts.



The antioxidant activity will be determined by the DPPH method (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrilhydralcyl, Sigma), following the methodology described by Molyneux (Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology. 2004; 26(2):211-219).



This service has wide application in various fields, including scientific research, food industry, pharmaceutical and cosmetics. The evaluation of antioxidant activity in biological extracts is essential to understand its potential health benefit and its possible application in product formulation.


Frequently asked questions

What types of biological samples can be evaluated in this service?
We can evaluate a wide variety of biological samples. This can include plant extracts, algae, animal by-products, etc.

How is spectrophotometric analysis performed to evaluate antioxidant activity?
To evaluate antioxidant activity, we expose the sample to free radicals (DPPH) and measure its ability to neutralize them, which is reflected in a reduction of the absorbance of DPPH.


Technical Responsible

Dr. Andrea Yamila Mansilla